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Aapnu Amdavad Reviews, Outfit of the Week

Summer Hi-Tea with my Gang of Girls & Dipali Shah

By Juhi Bansal CB community met up for a summer themed hi-tea at the new Dipali Shah boutique. All of us dressed up in the..


Busting Travel Myths

By Juhi Bansal A couple of months ago I was invited by a local travel club to speak about my travel experiences. The husband and..

Outfit of the Week

Getting Knotty

By Juhi Bansal A terribly busy week is my favourite kind. But, that also means that I did not have enough time to write an..

Outfit of the Week, Random Musings

Insta Perfect Life

By Juhi Bansal Looking at the social media lives of people sometimes makes us jealous but mostly makes us think twice about whether we are..

Outfit of the Week, Random Musings

Looking Back & Looking Ahead ver 2018

By Juhi Bansal Apologies for going missing these last few weeks. If you follow me on insta you know about all the interesting stuff that..

Outfit of the Week, Random Musings

Lead by Example?

By Juhi Bansal It was heartening to see so many of you write in, comment and even message anonymously reacting to my last article. Some..

Outfit of the Week, Random Musings

Purple Haze

By Juhi Bansal Today I’ve decided to rant. So so much! A lot of things have been on my mind for a long time. I..

Outfit of the Week, Random Musings

Have Legs, Will Show

By Juhi Bansal Priyanka Chopra posted a picture with Mr. Modi recently and drew attention for all the wrong reasons. Several self-appointed “keepers of Indian..

Outfit of the Week

Dealing with Negativity and the “D” Word

By Juhi Bansal Overweight, skinny, dark, pasty, occupied, free, married, single, available, not available, living in, separated, want babies, don’t want babies….does any of this..

Outfit of the Week, Random Musings

#NotAllMen but #DefinitelyAllWomen

By Juhi Bansal PS: This write up has been lying in my drafts for sometime now. It might make you uneasy or touch a nerve…


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