By : Juhi Bansal
I often get mails requesting me to share 1. My post-partum workout routine 2. How I am dealing with motherhood 3. How K and I got married etc . I thought I’ll get around to each of these questions one by one.
So, today I’ll start with how I am coping with motherhood. (My ruminations on pregnancy and happiness here)
Motherhood is undoubtedly an extremely fulfilling experience, however, it gets overwhelming at times so you need to learn to switch on and off. With PPD (Post Partum Depression) becoming a dreaded and clinical reality, it’s all the more important to have some coping mechanism in place.
Disclaimer: These are some suggestions based on my personal experience. Please read/follow them using your own discretion.
It’s okay to ask for help every now and then.
My mum-in-law stayed with me till Iy turned a month old and she was more than a blessing! Right from massaging and giving her a bath to soothing her when she was colicky, I practically learned the ropes from her. When she left I was so scared, I contemplated getting full time help but decided to give it a shot myself for a week. After seven days, I realized I could indeed manage her on my own! Infact, I realised Iy totally loves her massage and bath time so I started doing it myself rather than hiring a masseuse so we could bond more.
Hire help only when you have her/his chores written in black and white or you may not be able to justify the expense.
Involve your baby in your hobbies or outdoor activities.
We started taking Iy out for dinners every weekend when she turned a month old. I think she’s come to like the outdoors and sleeps/plays in her rocker while K and I enjoy our meal in peace. We continue to catch up on our soaps, shopping and even reading (I read to Iy) so it almost feels like before. Almost! :). We still can’t go out to watch movies though. One step at a time :).

Classy meets quirky? I fell in love with this bag the moment I saw it-reminds me of my favorite character Mr. Hercule Poirot 🙂
Ynots Bag- Stalkbuylove
Mustache Watch: House of Blondie
Break up every now and then and do more individual activities.
You can’t do everything together and sometimes just not being able to do things may get on your nerves. So trust your partner and leave the baby with him while you take some down time-could be going to the salon or spa or the gym.
Apart from K, I’ve also come to trust my cook of 5 years, and I leave Iy with her for 30 mins during her nap time every day while I go for a quick run.
Don’t be hell bent on nursing the baby yourself all the time.
Start expressing or feeding her/him formula occasionally so that you are not bound by their meal times and can plan your day irrespective.
Use nap times effectively.
While the baby naps, some mothers prefer to sleep (and that’s a wise move!), some may want to spend the time catching up on work, hobbies, reading, TV or talking to friends. Do whatever works for you. Unwinding is important. How you do it is up to you.
Last but not the least, your involvement with the baby, and their upbringing should be your and your decision alone (along with your spouse). Some parents like to be completely involved, some moderately and some like to let their babies be. All of these are perfectly valid and justified parenting styles and there’s no right or wrong. If only there was a formula for bringing up the perfect baby 🙂
Also, my very limited experience tells me there are no DON’TS if you do things in moderation whether it’s while following a diet, pregnancy or early motherhood.
(The internet comes in very handy should you be confused about something)
Remember you can’t do everything! If you are judged for not being a super mom it’s not your problem. A smiling and cheerful mum can do more for her baby than a tired one!
Wardrobe Credits:
Jumpsuit: Femella (Buy)
Ynots Bag: StalkBuyLove (Buy)
Do write in and share your experiences as a new mum.
Stay Gorgeous xx
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